Izze Norman is a person. They enjoy shapes like squares, triangles, and sometimes circles but also thinks there really is just no point to them. They enjoy using red, black, and white color schemes. And if you offered them a long walk on the beach they certainly wouldn’t say no. They spend their days in a dark room staring at their computer making their eyesight worse one day at a time.

Northern Illinois University
Bachelor in Fine Arts–Visual Communication

University of Illinois in Chicago
Master of Design

Proficient in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and XD. Experience in bookbinding and RISO printing techniques. 


North Eastern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor
2024-Present Teaching ART 394C (Senior Exhibition in Graphic Design). This class functions as studio time under a faculty mentor to create their senior exhibition which should be a culmination of all the students learned skills in a semester long intensive project driven by their own personal interests.

UIC School of Design
Adjunct Professor
Teaching DES160 (Design Photography) to incoming foundation students. The classes focus is on introducing photograhy as a design tool, and reinforcing compositional skills in our students.

Columbia College
Adjunct Professor
Teaching GRDE 305 (Publication Design) Teaching production procedures and the role of the art director to familiarize students with concerns of publication design.

Loyola University Chicago
Adjunct Professor
Teaching FNAR 190 (Color Theory), FNAR 112 (2D Design) and FNAR 233 (Digital Media Design). Emphasizing the importance of color, composition and method.

UIC School of Design
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Teaching DES160 (Design Photography) to incoming foundation students. The classes focus is on introducing photograhy as a design tool, and reinforcing compositional skills in our students.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence
Multimedia Teaching Assistant
Helps teach online learning software to faculty, staff, and students, in addition to creating CATE media, such as Quick Guides and instructional videos.

Public Health Equity Marketing Campaign Graduate Research Assitant
Creating marketing materials to convey the data gathered to the public. Creating print and web media to make public health programs equitable to the public.

Fresh Meat Journal 
Co-designed a new campaign for FM14 to get students interested in the journal and encourage submission for the edition.

Northern Illinois University Campus Dining
Extra Help
Providing support for new incoming student workers and continuing to maintain the projects that I was put in charge of in my current position. As well as working on new projects when extra help is required.

Northern Illinois University Campus Dining Marketing Assistant and Graphic Designer
Creating print media for events hosted by campus dining. Helping to establish better presence on social media. Work to develop new marketing ideas to better position campus dining to engage their target demographics.